Friday 25 November 2011

The Grass Is Definitely Not Greener!

Dear Nobody,

Isn't it ironic that when we're at work all we do is crave for time off to do whatever we want to do - sleep in, watch daytime TV, play XBox games, eat proper lunch in your own kitchen instead of a cardboard sandwich from Tesco... Then when you actually get given then you're bored to death within days!

Home is not so interesting when you have nothing much to do and you've done everything you wanted to do all day every day for a week, and the novelty has worn off. And when you're home alone, with no co-conspirator to keep you occupied or do anything with, it rather starts to feel like you've been kept home from school because you're ill and your friends can't come round, not even after school, because you're still infectious. It. Is. So. Boring!

As a contractor you get lulls of "between contracts" and whilst it may seem like a good idea to take advantage of it and have a "holiday", when the other half goes back to work sooner than you after said holiday because they've got a "proper job" they've got to go back to, you're left bored stiff waiting for the phone to ring and watching rubbish on 4OD and iPlayer an wanting to go back to work... Until the novelty of having a job to do wears off and you want to be on "holiday" again!

Personally, I'm taking the time to try to do some good - I'm working more on my little book (or not so little, as still working on that part...) and hoping I'll once and for all nail that synopsis that will make the imaginary gullible agents in my mind clamour for the rights to represent it within seconds of reading it... See, I'm a perfect writer with an amazingly vivid imagination!

At least what I have done so far with my time off is re-write and edit the manuscript to a more sensible size and made modifications that I think probably does make it much better - curtesy of my rather insightful partner, which was a surprising source do such a thing given she absolutely refuses to read such works from other people!

All I need to do now is guzzle more coffee (unfortunately it's Kenko, as opposed to my favourite full-bodied Starbucks beans - unfortunately they're not bottomless never-ending bags, despite the price!), convince myself I'm not really dying of boredom, and go back to writing. Which is always more interesting than trawling through hundreds of jobsites for rubbish jobs I don't particularly want to do. They always tend to come to me anyway - which works just fine for lazy-ish me...!

Thursday 24 November 2011

Writing Block - as in blocked by keyboard

Dear Nobody,

Big, big, BIG mistake buying this damned wireless bloody keyboard! Can see why now you're supposed to get the more expensive ones... The cheap ones don't bloody work! Which is rather useless when trying to write. And ironically it also just happens to be made by Logik... Irony does not amuse when cannot write, though.
Have now taken to writing as much as possible on either iPod Touch (as am doing now) or on my BB, and gritting teeth when HAVING to use desktop for something. And that's not an easy keyboard to use either, the iPod Touch. It was not made for thumb-touch-typing - unless maybe you're Tinkerbell and your hands are about the right size to manage it.
The illogical thing is that the mouse that came with the insufferable thing in the package is perfect - can't fault it. But you can bang away at the damned keyboard for 20 minutes and you're lucky if 10 letters have materialised. And none of them will be the right ones, let alone an entire word. Unless maybe that word is "a"... But that really isn't an actual word, is it?...
Now, at home and looking for another work contract, it is fairly useful to be able to type on a computer, given that is where everything is nowadays - online. What is not useful is sending a prospective employer/ agency gobbledygook because your touch-typing goes unrecognised by the keyboard, which spits out random letters and spaces as it pleases - instead of the eloquent and clever letters and job descriptions you thought you were writing. It makes the rather lacking iPhone/iPod virtual keyboard look absolutely brilliant... Which is no small feat (as much as I love Apple, there were definitely some things they did not think through!)
What really makes it worse is that my alternative, my trusty (well, formally trusty) laptop, has gone completely kaput. One day it just lost the will to live and died. Decided it didn't have an Operating System anymore - or maybe it got as pisssd with Vista as I was and kicked it out for good. Either way, it now either screams at me or demands a Boot Disc - which is fine if you haven't lost it in the 3 years since you bought the machine. Especially since you thought it didn't matter as you were shortly about to install Windows 7 into it anyway. So either I fork out for a new laptop (though what I really want is to save up for a proper new Apple iBook), somehow find the boot disc and pray that it works, or get Windows 7 full package (paying about £30 extra than an Upgrade for it) and hope that formatting the machine and installing the new OS in does the trick... God I wish I had done IT in college instead of bloody Health & Social Care! Who cares if one can do hospital corners or or CPR if your (once) trusty laptop has completely crashed?!!